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Posted by on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 in News |

Album “Animantiga” rated as seventh best Italian folk album of the year.

Album “Animantiga” rated as seventh best Italian folk album of the year.


Premio Loano per la Musica Tradizionale Italiana in Italy has rated “Animantiga” (OrangeHomeRecords, 2019) as seventh best folk album of the year.

“Animantiga” was conceived by and starred as front artists Stephane Casalta and the late Roberta Alloisio. It is a choral work, a voyage across the Mediterranean Sea, merging the music traditions of Corsica and Genoa. Several artists participated to the project, including Patrizia Gattaceca, Armando Corsi, Luca Falomi, Esmeralda Sciascia, Laura Parodi, Paolo Gerbella, Cristina Nico.

Giovanni Ceccarelli contributed to this wonderful project as musical director and arranger, also recording on piano and clavietta. After Roberta’s passing away, Giovanni composed an elegy to her, “Per Roberta”, a solo piano recording which closes the album.
